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For You Radio

Jul 30, 2019

Why should I go to church when I can just worship God in my own way?  

Is it your church or Jesus’ church? 

Is God present in a way unique Church that He is not present elsewhere? 
Can one “Have Church” without the gathering of other Christians?  

Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and...

Jul 26, 2019

There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!  

We live in a world full of guilt and accusations.   

If you are covered with Christ's righteousness, then you have His righteousness in and for you and you cannot be condemned.   

Join Craig and Troy as they talk about all of these topics and more in...

Jul 19, 2019

Romans 7 is a pivotal chapter in the New Testament. 

The Apostle Paul laments that he keeps doing the sinful things that he hates and the good things that wants to do, he doesn't.  

Then we discover that the more godly one is, the less one sees oneself to be godly.  Funny how that works.

Join Craig and Troy as they...

Jul 12, 2019

Romans 6 and into 7, we find that God works salvation in mankind by way of gift and not by works. 

What does it mean to be set free from sin and being a slave to God?  Is that a good thing to be a slave and what does it mean to be set free into slavery?  

God works salvation in us, it is not our doing for the free...

Jul 5, 2019

Romans 6 continued...  BAPTISM!    
The Apostle Paul continues to talk about life in Christ and forgiveness and mercy. 

- Is baptism more than just a symbol or a Christian ritual?   

- Who is at work in baptism, God or man?   

- Who chooses whom in salvation?  

- Do you choose God or has God chosen you?  

Join Craig...