Jan 17, 2025
Jesus is the forgiveness of our sins, Jesus is the forgiveness for your sins, Jesus is the forgiveness for all sins, period. What does it mean for Him to be our propitiation? No, really . . . what does it mean? Craig and Troy untangle the truth of God's word on commandments and sin and separate it from the false...
Jan 13, 2025
Craig and Troy open up a new book of the Bible, the epistle of 1 John. John has packed so much goodness into this first chapter. In this chapter we learn of being in the light, we learn of being in God's truth, and we learn that even our sin need not trouble us if we are in Christ Jesus.
Dec 27, 2024
Craig and Troy take a look at the 2nd Epistle of John. That letter raises several important considerations. What is love? What does it mean to love? What is it to be in the truth? What does it mean to be in Christ?
Dec 20, 2024
Craig and Troy plumb the depths of the importance of Christmas by simply asking, "But what if it didn't happen that way?" What would we not have if Joseph were not of the lineage of David? What would we not have if Jesus was not Mary's firstborn son? But what do we have in the fulfillment and truth of the scriptural...
Dec 16, 2024
Craig and a more-or-less alert Troy take a look at the 3rd Epistle of John. Which John? Who is he talking to? What does he want to tell them?