Feb 23, 2024
There are two kinds of righteousness, what are they? Are we saved by good works, or are we saved to do good works? What does it mean to be righteous before God? What does it even mean to do a good work? Craig and Troy begin to unpack the thorny issue of doing good works.
Feb 16, 2024
As Paul closes out the letter to the Colossians, he mentions a number of names. Often, we're inclined to just skip over those and forget them. But their work is not forgotten, and neither is yours.
What’s New from 1517:
Feb 9, 2024
No, not that one . . . this is the other "s" word that no one wants to hear: submit. Paul instructs spouses, families, and the workplace in how God intends for society to properly function. It is a matter of freely giving to one another and faithfully acting according to your vocation.
Feb 2, 2024
God encourages us to take off the old sinful self. Kill it, bury it, burn it, and to put on the new, which is life hidden away in Christ. It is the church's desire to put of the sinful, earthly things of the past and to put on the new heavenly things of Christ.