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For You Radio

May 29, 2020

Apostle fight, round one . . . GO! Paul puts the smackdown on Peter in a in a no-holds-barred fight for the gospel, because there's too much at stake.

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May 22, 2020

Paul's genesis as an apostle is established by Christ, not by man. Therefore, the gospel Paul preaches can be trusted to be the gospel of Jesus Christ.


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May 15, 2020

As Craig and Troy crack open the book of Galatians, Saul the Christ-hater becomes Paul the one sent by Christ. He knows what gospel is, so why have the Galatians forgotten?


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May 8, 2020

Are devotions private or public? Craig and Troy speak on the Word in all its forms, especially the Word as it comes to us through the gathered church.

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May 1, 2020

God's Word stands objectively true. God's Word is not subject to our feelings or culture. Craig and Troy discuss how the Word operates on us, and you get a few 50-cent words in the mix.


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